Sunday, February 8, 2015

ul. Refleksja 14/15      
Upon reflection, of 30 years of creating, one must sow the seeds for something new.
Na odbicie, 30 lat tworzenia, trzeba siać nasiona na coś nowego.
Multiple works in progress. Wiele prac w toku

bez refleksji without reflection.
Work in Progress. Praca w toku 

erfolgender Traum The successful dream
Work in Progress. im Gange

All materials have been re-sourced. No aspect of the artwork was created with virgin materials. Each has been culled from past compositions, existing books, discarded materials. It is the creative intent to not use or purchase new materials to create new work. A modern 'readymade' for current times. 

All artwork is the sole property of Wychorski and cannot be used without permission by the artist.