Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Polish Fest takes shape!

May 1st is celebrates our second year as Polish Fest Boston. We are planning bigger and better event this year. The Hussars will be back with a re-anactment and mock battle. Kasia Sokalla and guest will be performing. The Krakowiak Dancers of Boston will entertain us with Folk Dances. Lots of food, music and culture to enjoy!The event is free and open to the Public!
Our theme this year is the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth as it relates to the time of the May 3rd Constitution. As Creative Artistic Director for Polish Fest and PAC of Eastern MA, I hope that you join us. Learn about Polish History through the Hussars, trace your Polish family tree with the Polish Genealogical Society, discover how Poles throughout history as defenders of freedom have contributed to America's own struggle for Democracy. 
All this is possible with generous donations and our Official Sponsor Krakus!
Zapraszamy! We invite you to Polish Fest Boston 2016!


Postcard design and photography by studio|wychor. Wycinanki original design by a.goddard.

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